More than a


It’s an Adventure!

We get it…

Navigating endless curriculum webpages can be draining, and even if you do, pinpointing what sets one school apart from another can be quite daunting. That’s why we’ve chosen a different route.

Our aim is to walk you through the transformative journey you’ll undertake at BSB. Experience our Bachelor’s program not as a list of courses, but as a vivid narrative, narrated by our very own graduates.

And remember, while their stories may inspire you, your journey will be uniquely your own.

Year 1: Your Journey BeginsFoundations and Explorations

As you step into the world of BSB, your first year lays the groundwork for your unique business journey. This isn’t a linear trip through textbook pages; it’s an adventure that spans continents, cultures, and centuries. Year one at BSB is about crafting a robust foundation. It’s about immersing yourself in diverse experiences that hone your business acumen while broadening your horizons. Welcome to an exciting journey that transcends conventional learning — this is where your adventure begins.


Our Business Foundation courses arm you with the essentials of economics and management. You’ll delve into micro and macroeconomics, exploring the intricate mechanisms that keep the wheels of business turning. Principles of Accounting and Management will help you grasp the nuts and bolts of running a successful enterprise.


Balancing business fundamentals with a broader perspective, our Liberal Arts courses ignite your intellectual curiosity. Courses like Art and Culture, Psychology, and Philosophy serve to broaden your thinking, enhancing your ability to approach problems creatively and innovatively.


Our Business Foundation courses arm you with the essentials of economics and management. You’ll delve into micro and macroeconomics, exploring the intricate mechanisms that keep the wheels of business turning. Principles of Accounting and Management will help you grasp the nuts and bolts of running a successful enterprise.


It’s not just Tour de Suisse and Frankfurt — pack your bags because you’re off to Greece for ‘The Human Odyssey.’ Here, we’ll trace the connections between ancient philosophy and contemporary management theory, all against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes and historical landmarks.


Our Business Foundation courses arm you with the essentials of economics and management. You’ll delve into micro and macroeconomics, exploring the intricate mechanisms that keep the wheels of business turning. Principles of Accounting and Management will help you grasp the nuts and bolts of running a successful enterprise.


Balancing business fundamentals with a broader perspective, our Liberal Arts courses ignite your intellectual curiosity. Courses like Art and Culture, Psychology, and Philosophy serve to broaden your thinking, enhancing your ability to approach problems creatively and innovatively.


Our Business Foundation courses arm you with the essentials of economics and management. You’ll delve into micro and macroeconomics, exploring the intricate mechanisms that keep the wheels of business turning. Principles of Accounting and Management will help you grasp the nuts and bolts of running a successful enterprise.


Pack your bags because you’re off to Greece for ‘The Human Odyssey.’ Here, we’ll trace the connections between ancient philosophy and contemporary management theory, all against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes and historical landmarks.

destinations that are steeped in history, industry, and culture, which will bring your classroom learnings to life.

hours spent diving deep into business and cultural, realities, off-campus, where the world becomes your classroom.

kilometers journeyed through rich, cultural landscapes, dynamic industries, and iconic landmarks in an unparalleled learning experience.

Year 2: Deepen Your Business KnowledgeEngagement and Impact

Year two is where you roll up your sleeves and dive headfirst into the dynamic world of business. We’re talking real-world scenarios, complex problem-solving, and yes, a lot of hands-on action. This is where the theories you’ve learned are put to the test and where you’ll develop a deeper understanding of what it means to navigate the business world.

Your learning isn’t confined to the classroom walls. From running an entire event for a charity of your choice to exploring the world of luxury marketing in St. Tropez, you’ll be engaging in experiences that are as challenging as they are enriching. And remember, in year two, we’re not just preparing you for an internship, we’re preparing you for a future of innovative and ethical leadership.

So, welcome to year two – where we turn knowledge into action and where your journey into the heart of business truly begins!”


The second year takes you beneath the surface of fundamental business principles into specialized areas such as Project Management, Global Marketing, Leadership, Business Law, and more. You’ll engage with real-world scenarios and projects that truly solidify your understanding of these key business sectors.


Experience the life cycle of a project first-hand through the Project Management course. You’ll be responsible for managing an entire event, from conception to execution. Past students have organized global dinners, artisan markets, and even modern dance performances. Plus, proceeds go to a charity of your choosing, adding a socially responsible dimension to your learning.


Diving into global dynamics, your second-year excursions like ‘Forza Italia’ and ‘Luxury Marketing in St. Tropez’ take you beyond tourism. You’ll experience pivotal global events such as the World Economic Forum and the World Expo. It’s not just about observing—it’s about actively participating, contributing to dialogues, and making a tangible impact. This year, you’re not just studying business; you’re living it on the global stage.


The second year is also about gearing up for the professional world. As your third-year internship approaches, we provide ACS courses that develop essential career skills. With a focus on Job Search and Networking, as well as Developing Your CV and Interview Skills, you’ll acquire the tools necessary for career success.


The second year takes you beneath the surface of fundamental business principles into specialized areas such as Project Management, Global Marketing, Leadership, Business Law, and more. You’ll engage with real-world scenarios and projects that truly solidify your understanding of these key business sectors.


Experience the life cycle of a project first-hand through the Project Management course. You’ll be responsible for managing an entire event, from conception to execution. Past students have organized global dinners, artisan markets, and even modern dance performances. Plus, proceeds go to a charity of your choosing, adding a socially responsible dimension to your learning.


Diving into global dynamics, your second-year excursions like ‘Forza Italia’ and ‘Luxury Marketing in St. Tropez’ take you beyond tourism. You’ll experience pivotal global events such as the World Economic Forum and the World Expo. It’s not just about observing—it’s about actively participating, contributing to dialogues, and making a tangible impact. This year, you’re not just studying business; you’re living it on the global stage.


The second year is also about gearing up for the professional world. As your third-year internship approaches, we provide ACS courses that develop essential career skills. With a focus on Job Search and Networking, as well as Developing Your CV and Interview Skills, you’ll acquire the tools necessary for career success.

Alumni Impact

Our graduates are not just making a living—they’re making a difference. With a strong foundation from BSB, they’re driving change globally.

Your journey could be the next inspiring story.

Thermo Fisher
Estee Lauder

Year 3: Ignite Your Professional JourneyFuture Vision and Professional Launch

In your final year at BSB, we empower you to take command of your future, providing you with the tools and insights to steer your career with confidence. As you dive into advanced topics such as enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, entrepreneurship, and business strategy, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of business at its most complex levels. More importantly, you’ll cultivate the skills necessary to adapt and lead in an ever-evolving business landscape.

This is a pivotal year in your educational journey, one that bridges your academic life and your imminent professional career. Through our comprehensive ACS courses, we prepare you not only for the transition but for continued growth and success beyond it. The corporate internship experience allows you to apply your learned knowledge in real-world scenarios, providing an invaluable taste of professional life and fostering industry connections.

At BSB, your third year is about more than academic advancement; it’s about cementing your readiness for the professional world and instilling in you the confidence and capability to navigate and excel in your chosen path. As you chart your course into the future, know that you are well-equipped and well-prepared, ready to turn challenges into opportunities and aspirations into achievements.


Prepare to pioneer in the business world of tomorrow. Our forward-thinking courses like Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Business Strategy offer deep insights, preparing you to champion innovation and adapt swiftly to evolving market landscapes


You’re not just a business student – you’re a budding marketer, a potential data analyst, a future manager, or an aspiring global business leader. Choose from specializations in Marketing, Business Intelligence, Management, and International Business to match your career ambitions.


Step into the business world and leave your unique imprint even before you graduate. The opportunity to undertake a corporate internship or construct an in-depth business case isn’t just about applying theory. It’s about creating ripples in the real world, gaining invaluable experiences, and getting a head start on your promising career journey.


Navigating transitions is not just about moving forward but also about acknowledging and appreciating what you’re leaving behind. We’ll guide you on how to make smooth transitions – from school to work, and job to job. Our mentoring and career planning courses will ensure you leave no burnt bridges, but only relationships that foster mutual growth. And after the exciting journey you’ve had with us, you’ll find the hardest part isn’t the work you’ve done, but saying farewell to the people and places that you’ve come to care about so much.


Prepare to pioneer in the business world of tomorrow. Our forward-thinking courses like Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Business Strategy offer deep insights, preparing you to champion innovation and adapt swiftly to evolving market landscapes


You’re not just a business student – you’re a budding marketer, a potential data analyst, a future manager, or an aspiring global business leader. Choose from specializations in Marketing, Business Intelligence, Management, and International Business to match your career ambitions.


Step into the business world and leave your unique imprint even before you graduate. The opportunity to undertake a corporate internship or construct an in-depth business case isn’t just about applying theory. It’s about creating ripples in the real world, gaining invaluable experiences, and getting a head start on your promising career journey.


Navigating transitions is not just about moving forward but also about acknowledging and appreciating what you’re leaving behind. We’ll guide you on how to make smooth transitions – from school to work, and job to job. Our mentoring and career planning courses will ensure you leave no burnt bridges, but only relationships that foster mutual growth. And after the exciting journey you’ve had with us, you’ll find the hardest part isn’t the work you’ve done, but saying farewell to the people and places that you’ve come to care about so much.

Want to know more?

Drop us a line and our admissions team will gladly provide further information tailored to your interests.